Welcome to

Bright Kids

Bright Kids Early Learning Centre is one of the best childcare centres on the Gold Coast, located in Nerang. Our Approach to Education empowers the head, heart & body through nurturing growth and sparking curiosity.

Parent portal for Bright kids parents at Bright kids ELC in Nerang, best childcare centre

Parents Portal & Centre News

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To keep in the loop with centre events and celebration days, click on ‘Centre News’ below.

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Find out how to claim your free trial with us.

Any questions you may have about Bright Kids Early Learning Centre, check out our FAQs page to see if you can find what you’re looking for, otherwise you can contact us through the details below:

Phone: 5596 4044
Email: admin@brightkidscentre.com.au

Contact Us
Contact Us at Bright Kids ELC in Nerang, best childcare centre, long daycare
Bright Kids childcare, daycare in Nerang, Tyrez
About Us

Our Unique Difference

We educate our future by guiding children to face challenges of every new day, with a ‘Growth’ mindset. This framework encompasses self awareness,  self management through breath work and body clues, social awareness, relationship skills, responsible decision making, perseverance and yoga.

Our specialised  “MINDFUL KIDS” resilience program is extended from the foundation ‘Friends’ program, which is recognised by the World Health Organisation and facilitated by a certified NLP coach.

Promoting children’s social and emotional health by establishing trusting relationships, created when educators express warmth and respect. Educators can then intentionally teach and enhance these skills using evidence- based strategies to teach, model and reinforce positive behaviours.

The purpose of creating an entire program purely focused on social emotional learning (SEL), helps children comprehend their emotions. To feel those emotions fully, have the ability to regulate and manage those emotions and demonstrate empathy for others.

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Why Choose Us

Bright Kids Early Learning Centre strongly believes that encompassing extra curricular programs, that support social and emotional health, critical thinking and being inclusive, compliments the national curriculum for optimum growth.

We facilitate the development of children’s emotional comprehension through our “MINDFUL KIDS” resilience program. Having the capacity to deal with adversity, change, build healthy relationships and feel empathy, are just as important as learning to read and write.

Harnessing critical thinking outdoors through our “NATURE” bush kindy program, builds the foundation of critical thinking.

Our vision of acknowledging our aboriginal heritage through our “EMPOWERING OUR YOUTH” program is a journey of living, breathing and walking together to bridge the gap.

Sustainability Focus

In nature, kids develop their brains through imaginative, innovative whole body experiences, therefore we have created an entire yard just to explore, climb and play, in nature.

Exceptional Educators

Educating OUR Future is what we do best..

Our Educators are passionate about responding, expanding & building upon your children’s interests and play a pivoting role as co-learner, facilitator & observer.

Meals and nappies.

FREE Nutritional Meals, Nappies, Wipes and Sunscreen.

Courtesy Bus

Before and After School Care for NERANG & GILSTON state schools only

Vacation Care catering up to age 12 for maximum of 15 children.

Mental Health Focus

Strong focus on mental awareness supported by the World Health Org. and Kick On mental wellness charity. Practising mindfulness develops kindness, focus & calmness.

Homely Environment

Purpose built, nature inspired, homely learning environment, promoting exploration and play.

Just In

Latest Blog

Read, learn and discover!

Bright kids nerang sea turtles cooking experiencesFeatured
May 16, 2024

Cooking With The Sea Turtles Children

This week we had a super exciting day as the Sea Turtles made Sausage Rolls. The children got to put their new cooking sets to good use! These sets are…


Watch our fun filled videos.

Don't be a bully be a buddy program at Bright Kids Centre in Nerang long daycare centre best childcare centreVideos
September 14, 2023

Don’t Be A Bully, Be A Buddy


Resilience Printables

Printable templates

September 29, 2020

Mindful Checklist Printables

On this page you can find Mindset Checklist Printable's, please feel free to print out and practice at home. To print, click or tap on the image of your choice,…

Video Testimonial

What our parents say about us

Testimonial from Bright kids family, Bright kids ELC in Nerang, best childcare centre

At Bright Kids we support the following community services.

Virtual Tour

We would love to meet you in person and if you would like to see us before you come in, please visit the link below for a Virtual Tour.