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Interactive Water Play Mat

Interactive tummy time made fun.

The inflatable water mat is the perfect addition to tummy time for our young friends under age 6 months.

The sensory qualities encourage brain development while the mat itself is great for physical development.

Benefits of tummy time on the water play mat

  • Hand-eye coordination – The coordinated control of eye movement and hand movement to reach and grasp;
  • Sensory ability – Vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch and detection of movement;
  • Visual development – Visual acuity, tracking, colour perception, depth perception and object recognition;
  • Motor skills – Grasping, rolling over, sitting up and crawling;
  • Cognitive development – Memory, language, thinking and reasoning; and
  • Social interaction – Gestures, vocalisations and facial expressions with others.

Tummy time was enjoyed by the younger babies, reaching out trying to touch the objects inside and feeling the movement of the water when they moved.

The older children sat next to the mat and pointed out the different objects floating in the water .

They were completely captivated with the movement of water and the fish inside the mat. They quickly discovered by pushing down on the mat, they controlled the movement.

Home Play

Water play with baby at home, you can use the following:

  • Funnels;
  • Colanders;
  • Bottles; and
  • Cups to pour on and around your baby.

Trickling water up and down their arms increases awareness of their own body and encourages visual co-ordination as they track the stream with their eyes.

That’s all this month from Miss Rachel, Miss Sabrina and the Little Fish ( Jalumms)

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