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Mathematics is Everywhere

Mathematics plays a major role in a child’s development and helps children make sense of the world around them.

Pre-prep aged children are beginning to explore patterns and shapes, compare size and count objects.

They unconsciously use a variety of math’s concepts to problem solve and talk about their findings.

Math play is evident in their pretend play, block play, literacy play, outdoor play and pre-writing.

Everyday Concepts

When we talk with children about math’s concepts in everyday activities, it helps them to understand HOW and WHY  math’s is useful.

In pre-prep the language of maths is generalised:

  • Big and small (size)
  • High and low (height)
  • Heavy and light (weight)
  • Fast and slow (speed)
  • Close and far (distance)
  • First, second and last (order)

Children learn math’s through the use of concrete materials, also referred to as manipulatives:

  1. Objects; or
  2. Physical resources (they can handle and manipulate to aid their understandings of different math’s concepts) .

Handling and manipulating objects allows them to visualise and understand the math’s which allows them to make sense of that is actually happening.

Concrete Materials

This month in the Pre-prep classroom the children have been using a wide range of concrete materials as part of their intentional teaching experiences.

  • Lego to build numbers awareness;
  • Paddle pop stick and paper cups for counting in sequence;
  • Playdough snakes to explore the concept of longer/shorter;
  • Coloured animal counters for sorting and categorising;
  • Match sticks to build 2d shapes; and
  • Rocks and shells for one-to-one correspondence.

And let’s not forget, one of the main reasons why concrete maths resources play a key role in learning is because they support the mastery style approach.

This means that these resources help children develop a deep knowledge and understanding of vital maths concepts and learn how to use what they know to tackle unfamiliar problems.

That’s all from Miss Patti and the Sea Turtles ( Pingins)

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