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Welcome to “I Love My World” – Recycling Show where the children went on a journey into the world of recycling with our beloved puppets, Recycle Rose and Sustainable Sam! In our captivating show, children embark on an immersive experience where they not only learn about the importance of environmental stewardship but actively participate in it.

But the magic doesn’t end with the show. Our dedicated educators take the lessons learned back to the classroom, crafting age-appropriate activities that further reinforce the principles of sustainability. From art projects to scientific experiments, each activity sparks curiosity and empowers children to become champions of our planet.

Little Fish:

The little fish babies were absolutely mesmerized by the engaging I Love My World – Recycling Show featuring Recycle Rose and Sustainable Sam! With wide eyes and giggles of delight, they eagerly participated in the hands-on activities, learning about the importance of caring for our planet.

In the Classroom

Back in their room, the conversation continued as the children reflected on what they had learned. Inspired by the show, they embarked on a creative art experience, each child dipping their hands into paint and leaving their mark on a picture of the Earth. It was a sensory delight, and as they placed their handprints around the globe, this was to represent that our Earth is ours to cherish and protect.

On the Veranah

Out on the verandah, recycled items were repurposed into a cozy home corner, sparking imaginative role-play experiences. The children delighted in using these items, understanding the value of reusing materials to reduce waste and care for our environment.

The Outside World

Amidst all the excitement, the babies also took moments to connect with their educators, soaking in the beauty of their surroundings. Some ventured into the outdoor environment, exploring nature’s wonders, while others engaged in thoughtful conversations about the world beyond the fence. From trees to cars, roads to birds, every detail was observed and appreciated, deepening their connection to the world around them.


In the Dolphins room, we seamlessly transitioned from the ‘I Love My World – Recycling show’ to a series of engaging activities that not only continued the celebration of our planet but also encouraged meaningful participation from our young learners.

The three R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle

With a mindful approach, we integrated recycled materials sourced from our donation bins into various art and craft projects throughout the entirety of Earth Week.

This deliberate choice not only fostered a sense of resourcefulness but also provided an invaluable opportunity to initiate conversations about the three R’s: reduce, reuse, and recycle. As tiny hands eagerly transformed discarded items into works of art, they simultaneously absorbed important lessons about conservation and responsible consumption.

In our second activity, we embarked on a more focused exploration of recycling practices, engaging our young learners in a hands-on exercise that sharpened their understanding of waste management. Armed with cutouts representing a myriad of everyday items, we embarked on a collective journey of proper recycling.

As a group, we navigated through the maze of recycling options, deliberating over whether a particular item belonged in the paper, plastic, glass, or compost bin. Through this collaborative process, the children not only honed their decision-making skills but also cultivated a deeper appreciation for the importance of proper waste segregation.

Snakes Room

After the Recycling Show, our celebration of the planet continued with a series of engaging activities in the Snakes Room. Here’s a glimpse of what we did.

1. Making Grass Heads:

Our first activity involved making grass heads with the children. This activity served as a fantastic way to celebrate Earth Day while imparting several important lessons:

– Teaching Sustainability: Grass heads helped children understand the cycle of life and the importance of nurturing living plants.

– Hands-on Learning: Working with soil and seeds provided a tangible experience in the growth process, emphasizing the importance of water and sunlight.

– Creativity and Fun: Decorating their own “heads” and watching the grass grow into “hair” made learning about the environment fun and engaging.

– Connection to Nature: Direct interaction with plants fostered a deeper connection to nature, inspiring mindfulness about our impact on the environment.

– Environmental Awareness: Celebrating Earth Day with this activity reinforced the importance of taking care of the planet and sparked conversations about why Earth Day is celebrated.

– Recycling and Repurposing: We utilized recycled or reusable materials like old stockings or containers to teach children the value of recycling and repurposing.

2. Bi-Carb Soda and Vinegar Experiment

Next, we conducted a fun experiment using bi-carb soda in a large round container. Adding blue and green food colouring, the children dripped the colours into the soda using droppers. The resulting fizz and bubbles created a visual representation of the Earth. The vibrant colours and fizzy reaction captivated the children’s attention.

3. Counting and Learning with Coloured Rice

Coloured rice, resembling the Earth, was spread in round containers. The children used plastic Easter eggs with numbers on both halves, matching the same numbers and filling the eggs with rice. This activity combined counting practice with an environmental theme, reinforcing the importance of understanding and caring for our planet.

4. Recycling Activity

In our final activity, the children sorted various materials (metal, paper, and plastic) into the appropriate recycling containers. They learned about the importance of recycling and how to properly sort different types of waste.

These activities were not only fun but also educational, teaching important lessons about sustainability, recycling, and environmental stewardship. We hope these experiences inspire them to continue making eco-friendly choices in the future!

Sea Turtles Room

As Earth Day approached, we embarked on a week-long journey of discovery and action, delving into the beauty and importance of our planet. Here’s a glimpse into the enriching activities we engaged in leading up to and on Earth Day itself:

Yarning Circle and Artistic Expression

Our week began with a yarning circle, where we delved into the significance of Earth Day, sharing stories and perspectives. Inspired, we repurposed jar lids from our recycling box to craft miniature Earths. Adorned with vibrant green and blue paint, these lids symbolized our love and appreciation for our precious planet.

Interactive Learning Through Role Play

A visual and interactive display awaited us, illustrating the impact of chemicals on our Earth. Using red watered-down paint, we explored the consequences of introducing harmful substances into our environment. Witnessing the Earth ‘sad’ and disappearing before our eyes served as a powerful reminder of our responsibility to protect and nurture our planet.

Literary Exploration

Engaging our minds and imaginations, we gathered for a reading of “Why I Love the Earth.” This delightful book sparked conversations and inspired us to reflect on our own reasons for cherishing our Earth. Armed with coloured pencils, we illustrated our personal connections and commitments to our planet.

An Interactive Show on Earth Day

On Earth Day itself, we were treated to an interactive ‘I Love My World – Recycling Show’ further deepening our understanding of environmental issues and solutions. Through engaging activities, we were reminded of the collective effort needed to safeguard our Earth for generations to come.

Hands-On Action

Following the show, we rolled up our sleeves for hands-on activities aimed at promoting environmental stewardship. We collected mini recycling materials, symbolizing our dedication to keeping our Earth clean and happy. These items found a new home on our nature table, serving as daily reminders of our commitment to sustainability.

A Thought-Provoking Experiment

In a thought-provoking experiment, we explored the importance of mindful consumption and waste management. Placing various items, including fruit peels, dirt, and rubbish, into jars of clean water, we pondered: “Would we drink this water?” This activity sparked discussions about the impact of our choices on water quality and encouraged us to be mindful of what goes down the drain.

As we wrapped up our week of environmental exploration, we left with hearts full of appreciation for the beauty and resilience of our planet. Armed with newfound knowledge and inspiration, we recommit ourselves to being stewards of the Earth, fostering a sustainable and thriving world for all.

Happy Earth Day, today and every day!