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What’s been happening  since out last post in the Snakes (Jom Gwong) room ?

Lots has happened! We’ve been engaged in learning all about the days of the week, extending on the alphabet, numbers, shapes and colours and getting artistically creative.

Literacy and Numeracy made fun

Apart from singing along to jingles on letters, numbers and shapes we focus on letter and number recognition by identifying a letter or a number on the wall, to transition from group time to free time play.

Through play, children develop social and cognitive skills, mature emotionally and gain confidence.

Test their knowledge by asking them questions, when you read to them. We have been focusing on  numbers 6 and 7 and letters F and G, shapes Oval and Circle and colours Apricot, Blue and Brown. It will help them make sense of the world around them.

Celebrating Easter

Easter is a time to celebrate and celebrate we did! We made our own bonnets for the Easter hat parade with no help from mum or dad!

We painted newspaper, as the base for our hats, then we had great fun gluing shredded coloured paper, little colourful eggs and adorning the tops with chicks and bunnies.

This gave the children a sense of ownership, pride and accomplishment as they modelled them around in the parade.

Tapping into our Creative side

Art is a very important part of the learning process.

We base our art projects around our learning; while still giving the children the freedom to express their creativity.

The children have been enjoying sensory art with paints, crayons, pencils, pom poms and shaving cream.

Expanding Children’s interests

We would love to hear all about your creative play at home.

Introducing your creative play into our program is the basis of our emergent EYLF curriculum.

Responding to, expanding and building on the children’s ideas and interests, allows us as Educators to play a pivotal role as co-learner and facilitator.

Until next time, that’s all from Mr John and Miss Sally.

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